Whitelabel Partnership
For Your Agency
Our technology. Our Product. Your Name. Your Branding.
No hidden fees or complex calculations.
Start free and scale up as you grow.
per month, paid yearly
Start Free Trial
  • 5 Campaigns Monthly
  • 2 Brand Managers
  • Influencer Search
  • Management Console
INR 10,000
per month, paid yearly
Start Free Trial
  • 10 Campaigns Monthly
  • 3 Brand Managers
  • Influencer Search
  • Management Console
  • Agency Branded Reports
  • Agency Branded Invoicing
  • Client Access
Best Value
INR 15,000
per month, paid yearly
Start Free Trial
  • 50 Campaigns Monthly
  • 10 Brand Managers
  • Influencer Search
  • Management Console
  • Agency Branded Reports
  • Agency Branded Invoicing
  • Client Access
  • Your Agency Domain
  • Custom Agency Contracts
  • Agency Login
  • Agency Landing Page
Not sure what to choose orneed something specific?
Book a quick chat with our team and sync onyour needs and Infloso's product roadmap.
Talk with Us
INFLOSO's revolutionary techplatform is your own, grow your agencylike never before without investing orworrying about the product.You focus on your clients while wemanage all your work.
" Infloso saves us costs of hiring employees, the hassles of manual work and scalability issues. We have been able to get 3x more clients and run bigger campaigns without worrying about the execution. "
Cedric Cella
Director, Hola Julia
Trusted by more than 800 agencies
Will our domain be used instead of
Can we promote this as our product?
Will my clients get any information about Infloso?
Will my employees get any information about Infloso?
Turn your agency intoa tech company.
Be part of the advertising revolution.
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